19 April 2007
Pics from the last two nights' shows
Thanks to everyone who has sent in their pictures (and glowing reports) of the recent shows to If you're going to any of the upcoming shows, please email your ONE best picture to that address (we'll allow TWO if one is of the merchandise stand or a scene outside the venue!).
Anyway, here are some of the best pictures from the two Saö Paulo shows.

Picture by Andreza Silviano Francisco (whose flag Tom is holding)

Picture by Ithan

Picture by Rebeca

Picture by Sunset Scent

Picture by Cris Uchoas
Thanks again to everyone who's been in touch.
Thanks to everyone who has sent in their pictures (and glowing reports) of the recent shows to If you're going to any of the upcoming shows, please email your ONE best picture to that address (we'll allow TWO if one is of the merchandise stand or a scene outside the venue!).
Anyway, here are some of the best pictures from the two Saö Paulo shows.

Picture by Andreza Silviano Francisco (whose flag Tom is holding)

Picture by Ithan

Picture by Rebeca

Picture by Sunset Scent

Picture by Cris Uchoas
Thanks again to everyone who's been in touch.