What is the best Keane mashup track? 06 October 2009

Hello folks. In a quiet moment at HQ today, we were wondering what the best ever mashup track to feature Keane is (a mashup being a track which mixes two completely different songs together). So we thought we'd ask you for your suggestions - as you folks know everything about Keane.

Here are some decent contenders which we found:

Keane vs Kelis: Bossy We Know

 Keane vs Janet Jackson: Someone To Call Any Wonder

Keane vs Chicane: Wake Up (this was an official release, but it still sort of counts)

That should give you an idea of the sort of thing we're talking about. Now, please post your own mashup suggestions/discoveries in the comments below (ideally with a link to a sound clip or video featuring the mashup).

We'll check them out, then perhaps we can have a vote and decide, officially, what the best Keane mashup is.


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