Keane's cover airs / pictures from recording

5.30pm: For the next seven days, you can listen again to Jo's show - complete with 'Under Pressure' after around 1hr 40mins - by clicking here.

11.49am: Hope you liked it - let us know what you think in the Comments. Sounds like Radio 1's listeners loved it. And Jo says it's in her Top 5 of the 40 covers that have been done. Yay! Remember, you can pre-order the album which it contains by clicking here.

11.45am: It's on!

11.23am: "I'm going to play it in about 15 to 20 minutes," says Jo. Click here to listen online (wherever you are).

11.13am: This is how it's looking in Jo Whiley's studio. No obvious sign of a CD with KEANE written on it...

11.08am: It's not been on yet. But Jo has been saying that a track from 1981 is coming "very, very soon". That'd be Keane then...

10.33am: Click here to listen to Jo Whiley's show on Radio 1 online (you should be able to hear it wherever you are). Sometime in the next couple of hours, Jo will be playing Keane's cover of 'Under Pressure', which the band recorded for Radio 1's 40th birthday compilation (pre-order the compilation by clicking here). Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Here are some pics taken when the band recorded the song in a studio in Philadelphia. The first two were taken by the band's drum tech Scott and the last one is Richard's.

All those instruments can't pull Rich away from his laptop

Production manager Ant, Tim and tour manager Colin look on

Tim tinkles the ivories as a mystery blonde hovers


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