Tom’s Best of 2011 05 January 2012

We move onto our penultimate set of Best of 2011 responses, this time from Mr Tom Chaplin...

1. Favourite album of 2011?
Smother by Wild Beasts. Unbelievable singing and beautiful melodies. Or if you fancy something very ambient and out there then Ravedeath, 1972 by Tim Hecker...

2. Favourite single?
Lana Del Rey, Video Games.

3. Best gig you saw?
Paul McCartney playing 35 songs (!) at The O2. All of Glastonbury.

4. Best moment in the studio?
Listening to one of the songs, let's call it YAY for now, really coming together. On a personal note, I'm always fearful of whether I'm going to be able to do a good job with the singing and the last couple of months has been such an inspiring experience for me because they seem to have turned out pretty good!

5. Best film you saw?
Kill List at one end of the scale and Bridesmaids at the other.

6. Best journey you made?
Going to The Alps for Christmas/New Year - so beautiful and fun.

7. Best TV show you watched?
Curb You Enthusiasm Season 8 - the best yet. I loved all the reruns of Only Fools And Horses at Christmas. It's the best thing ever made for British TV.

8. Best thing you heard on the radio?
The Infinite Monkey Cage on Radio 4

9. Best thing you read?
My 3 favourite magazines - Which?, Golf Monthly and Sound on Sound. Yes, I am a total geek.

10. Best thing you bought yourself?
Neumann u47 microphone!

11. Best thing someone else bought for you?
A microscope.

12. Best website you visited or app/podcast you downloaded?
Sleep Talk Recorder - check out their best of as well. It's utterly hilarious.

13. Best thing that happened in 2011 for Keane?
Making our best record yet.

14. Best thing that happened in 2011 for you?
Getting hitched.

15. Finally, what are you looking forward to in 2012?
See 13! I can't wait to get these songs out there - mixing the record, touring, seeing our lovely friends in the big wide world again.

- Click for Richard's Best of 2011
- Click for Jesse's Best of 2011

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