Richard: Please help demand clemency for Troy Davies 05 March 2012

20 Sept, 2011

Firstly, thanks for all the support and signatures that you've already submitted. Sadly, I have just heard that Troy Davis hasn't been granted clemency - they'll execute him at 7pm Wednesday US time (midnight UK time). We've a day to stop the execution, the Board can still reconsider. Please send this new email right now:

Thank you so much,



12 Sept, 2011


I visited Troy Davis on death row in Georgia in 2009. He is due to be executed on Weds 21st Sept, unless we can stop it. There is too much doubt about Troy's conviction.

Please help demand clemency from the GA Board of Paroles and Pardons - visit (where you can also read more background information on the case).

I'll be tweeting updates on the campaign (@RichardKeane) as will @LauraMoye (far right of the photo).

Thanks so much,


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