Richard answers your questions Pt 1 14 December 2006
Mr Hughes fields your questions for the band

Here are the latest bunch of answers to the questions you've been sending in via the form in the Ask Keane section of the ezine. This time, they've been answered by Richard. Look out for the second half of his answers in the next few days.

"Richard - Your photos are great. What kind of camera do you use?"
Richard replies:
Thanks Cindy, I'm glad you like the pics! I have a small collection of Nikon FG cameras and I recently bought an F3 in japan. I'm a Nikon guy! I also have a "horizon" panoramic camera which I used at one of the Ally Pally shows - I'll be putting one of the shots up on the site soon. It's getting hard to find film in London because so many people are using digital cameras now, and good camera shops are closing. It does mean a good film camera is really cheap second-hand, so I would encourage people to have a go. (For more on the Nikon FG click here.)

"Richard. May I ask what led you to become a vegetarian? Was it perhaps the shepherd's pie? Here in South Carolina it was the pickled pigs feet that did me in!"

Richard replies:
I guess it was seeing footage from slaughterhouses on TV and feeling ill. I love that Simpsons episode about where meat comes from (Bovine University) - it says it all.

"Hello, I was wondering if at concerts, when people take pictures with flash, it is terribly bothersome, or is it not that bad? I always feel bad taking flash pictures because I'm afraid you guys hate it. please, do tell."

Marsha D
Richard replies:
I think it looks cool!

"Richard,  as you were walking into the Metro in Chicago you were carrying a book with a red cover.  If we could ask,  what have you been reading?"

Richard replies:
Was I? I recently read a biography of the Italian cyclist Marco Pantani, which I think was red, and I'm in the middle of "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami - it's the fourth Murakami I've read - the books are amazing. I've also been reading a lot about American politics, like "The Exception to the Rulers" by Amy and David Goodman (from the excellent news show Democracy Now - download the daily news podcast from I have their new book "Static" to read - it's both amazing and depressing what you don't hear in the mainstream media.

"Recently, on the 'Crystal Ball' video, I noticed some pictures of children and I've discussed with other fans if those children could be you. Are they?"

Inês Colaço
Richard replies:
I think they are the family of the guy (Giovanni Ribisi) who loses his mind (the kid in the car at the start, and his wife). When he returns to the office the same photo has changed so it has the new guy in it. I like the details!

"The last time you went to a 'fancy dress' party what/who did you go as?"
Richard replies:
I have honestly got no idea. I'm not sure I've ever been to one!

"r u planning 2 make another dvd? The first 1 is the best band dvd I have. I would love to see another one to accompany "Under The Iron Sea". If u r not planning one please consider it."

Richard replies:
Thanks - you should get "Some Kind of Monster" (the Metallica film). Right now we don't have plans to, but I'm sure we'll get round to it at some point.

"Hi! I think that the drums on the verses of 'Nothing In My Way' sound like they are a heartbeat. Was that your intention and who wrote/decided on the drum part as I think its a great idea and goes really well with the lyrics."
Becca Hunt
Richard replies:
Thanks - it does a bit, but they are basically me playing my version of the beat from "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. We recorded it in New York with an old drum kit I'd bought that day. Those who are still reading might be interested to know that Scott (my drum tech) and I rigged up a 20-inch kick drum as a floor tom for that song. Wake up everyone! Wake up! I've stopped talking about drums now...

"What did it feel like when your guitarist left you guys?"

Richard replies:
We were pretty shocked, but we knew we needed to develop as a band, and that music was what we wanted to do with our lives. I think a lot of people thought it was (or should be) the end of the band, but not us!

"Richard this question is for you.  Do you know any fantastic veggie recipes? I have ran out of good ideas and now I eat mostly the same things all the time. Can you help?"

Tina Nicoll
Richard replies:
Get a huge Yorkshire pudding, and fill it with veggie sausages, mashed potato and peas, then drown it all in onion gravy. The Yorkshire pud acts like a bowl. Meat eaters can try it with proper sausages.

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