NORWAY BLOG #1 18 June 2007

Tech hero Rob sends pictures from Norway

Hello again. Here's Keane on the B Stage at Haugesund, which was delightful. The sun went down at midnight and started coming up again at 1 so we can claim to have partied from dusk 'til dawn. Hardcore!!

The next day we had the pleasure of spending 8 hours at Oslo airport. Four scheduled and a bonus four after our flight was delayed.

We tried to stave off boredom by, in no particular order: watching films, talking about music, sleeping, eating lots of chocolate, being sarcastic, playing patacake and pretending to work behind the check in desk. With mixed results.

Tim listens, Richard types, Andy naps.

Tom's shoes, phone and trouser.

Tom and Scott watch flights leaving for places other than London.

Richard stares into space.

Tom, post Norwegian Mars Bar. Which tasted 'not too bad'.

Richard tries out the staff's scooter. This was taken just as he realised that the brakes weren't quite up to scratch.

More soon. Rob

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