You might remember that, a little while back, we told you that the winner of our Hopes and Fears Missing Videos contest, Elmira Temirgaliyeva from Kazakhstan, had been commissioned to make a video for My Shadow. Well, this is it. And this is what Richard has to say about it:
This is the brand new video for My Shadow, made by Elmira from Kazakhstan, the winner of our Hopes and Fears Missing Videos contest earlier this year. Once again, Elmira has made a stunning video! Judging the contest was great fun, but I think this shows she is a very deserving winner, and a very talented writer and director. I want to say a huge thankyou to Elmira, Venera (plays the photographer); Alexandra (dancer) and Erlan (the guy)... I hope you all like it as much as I do.
My Shadow is taken from the Night Train EP, which is out everywhere now. Click for buy links.