23.01: And with that, we'll bid you good night. Big thanks for reading and for your hundreds of emails and comments. You're an amazing bunch and we'll hopefully see you again for another live blog before too long.
23.00: Just popped into the dressing room to see how the band are doing. Not surprisingly, they're all really pleased with how tonight and the last few shows have gone. And now looking forward to a day off ahead of Sunday's Brighton show.
22.48: For those of you asking for a setlist, here you go...
22.43: And that's it - the show is over, and a very tired but extremely happy band have headed back to the dressing room. As Tom said to the crowd, that was quite a special night.
22.31: Only a song and a bit to go, so we're off to capture the end of the show...
22.29: Few more of Tom from just now...
Check this out, Tom can sing *and* spin a glowing basketball on his finger...
22.27: Here they are, coming off after the main set, for a little breather and a drink of water before the encore...
22.24: Off to get some more...
22.23: You know how we said the band are clearly buzzing...
22.22: And from This Is The Last Time
22.16: These were during Is It Any Wonder?
22.14: Back with more pics. There really is an amazing atmosphere out there tonight. You can tell how much the band are buzzing.
22.02: The four of them. They're now on the 16th of 23 songs, so we'd better get out there and take some more photos. Hope you're enjoying them, wherever you are...
22.01: JQ...
22.00: Tom, who was quite nervous before the show tonight, but whose voice is sounding just wonderful.
21.59: That bar isn't getting any busier. Clearly nobody wants to miss a moment of what's been a thrilling show so far....
21.57: The view from the sound desk...
21.53: Tom on the piano during (the wonderful) A Bad Dream
(Tim and Tom seem to be bowing at each other in that one)
21.42: Off to a) get some more pics and b) hear A Bad Dream...
21.39: The view from the back (although not the top tier).
There's hardly anyone at the bar, which is always a sign of a good show..
21.31: Off to take some more (thanks for all the emails you're still sending!)
21.27: Here's a few more live shots, from during Silenced By The Night and Everybody's Changing
21.23: More pics coming. There's an incredible atmosphere out there (Tom just said it gave him goosebumps during Silenced By The Night.)
21.08: And here's some photos from the first couple of songs...
21.02: On their way on...
21.00: They're on stage. The crowd is electric. And pictures are coming...
20.42: Final preparations are underway in the dressing room. The band will be on in about three minutes. We're off to take some photos. Back soon...
20.30: Fifteen minutes to go until stage time, and Richard and Jesse just spotted a framed T-shirt from a Metallica show which they actually came to right here at The O2.
20.27: Mylo the cat in Paraguay seems to be liking the blog too...
20.25: Rosmi in Peru's kittens are enjoying the blog too. They're named Oli and Rikki (apparently Richard chose the names)
20.22: Richard and Jesse are warming up now (doing vocal exercises, to get their voices ready for the show)
20.17: Ben and his hamster (Jesse the Accelerator) are reading the blog from Cape Town, South Africa
20.13: Tom's in the band room, warming up on the piano with a rousing version of You Are Young to an audience of one (us).
20.11: Jeb is reading the blog on a balcony in Bangkok (and emailed a pic to ontour@keanemusic.com)
20.02: Here are some photos of Wolf Gang, who are sounding really good out there.
19.47: Support band Wolf Gang have just come on. So we're popping off to take a few photos of them...
19.45: One hour until show time and we just popped in to see tour manager Colin, to ask how the UK arena shows have been so far. "Outstanding. Anybody who's had a ticket for these shows is a very lucky person. I genuinely mean that."
19.40: Jesse Quin. Master of poses.
19.35: Here's Richard picking up some ear defenders for his niece who is seeing her first ever Keane show tonight! "I can't wait to hear what she makes of it," says Richard.
19.30: Those pictures are still coming thick and fast to ontour@keanemusic.com (like this one from Rebeca in Sao Paulo)
19.28: The music room, where Keane will be warming up shortly...
19.13: Here are the timings for tonight. So just over 90 minutes until Keane are on...
19.04: We could keep posting these all night - and there are more than 50 that we haven't got to yet - but we should probably leave it there. But big thanks to everyone who sent one - including Stefanie, whose seems an appropriate one to end on...
19.02: Peter is reading the blog in the carpark outside the venue!
19.00: Erika in Peru is clearly in the festive spirit!
18.57: Christine from Wisconsin, we are liking the look of your lamp.
18.55: Su in Sao Paulo just received a Keane-y cube from a Keane-loving friend. Is it just us, or is it quite amazing that people literally all over the world are reading this right now?
18.53: It's Benita the rabbit from Peru! (Benita appears to be browsing the Keane Shop. Not sure we really have anything suitable for bunnies.)
18.52: Wow, check out the snow where Maria is in Finland...
18.51: Joy in Tulsa, Oklahoma is reading the blog at work. Hope we're not distracting you *too* much, Joy.
18.50: Monica in Chile is reading the blog while her mother decorates the Christmas tree (yeah, Monica thinks it's a bit early too)
18.46: Katie is in New York and has some cool things...
18.45: Amalia in Argentina has quite a lot of Keane stuff...!
18.44: Wow, you've sent LOADS of pictures for our photo project (see 18.08). Let's begin with Aline who's in an art college in Brazil...
18.39: We've also had an email from the husband of Dawn (who sent the cocktail menu) begging us to open the doors to the venue before she bankrupts him with £6.95 drinks. We'd best not tell him that her email with the picture arrived several hours ago...
18.38: Sat next to Richard at dinner, who was looking at that photo of the cocktail menu. After some deliberation, he decided that he'd like a Call Me What You Like delivered to his drumkit during the show, please.
18.35: Here's the menu; the delicious chicken katsu curry we had; and the cake we managed to resist...
18.34: And, having eaten far too quickly. we're back. (Hiccup.)
18.13: While you work on those photos (see 18.08), we're going to pop off and grab something to eat. And from then on in, it'll be uninterupted build-up to the show. Back soon...
18.08: OK, it's time we set you a photo project. Please take a photo of something Keane-ish (a CD, a T-shirt, this website) in front of something which illustrates where you're reading this from, and then email it to ontour@keanemusic.com (ideally not too massive a picture - 1000px wide at most, please). Thanks!
18.05: Here are the Asian travel tips you've emailed in for Tim:
- Chi from Taoyuan city, Taiwan says the coffee in Vietnam is great
- Carmen in Spain recommends Tim spending a few days in the north of Thailand
We shall pass those on...
18.02: Thanks for all the emails - from literally all over Europe, North & South America and Asia. You folks are incredible.
18.00: Check out what Kaz and Dawn - who are already at The O2 - have found in one of the bars (and emailed to ontour@keanemusic.com)...
Amazing. Ours is an Is It Any Wonder, please.
17.51: Green men
17.44: You might think that Tom has the world at his feet. It's actually a protective hard hat.
17.42: On an arty roll now (buoyed by the fact that the km.com photo upload thing has started working speedily again)
17.40: Another "arty" Tom one. (Thanks for all the emails you've been sending to ontour@keanemusic.com by the way, there are LOADS of them we need to get through...)
17.37: Yes, there's a man lying on the stage. Not exactly sure why...
17.32: As long-term km.com blog readers will know, black and white = arty
17.31: Richard, having a little wander. Did we mention that The O2 is Quite Big?
17:29:: Here's Tim during soundcheck...
17.25: Apologies for the slightly slow service, there seem to be some gremlins in km.com today which are slowing us up a little. Hope it's working OK for you on the front end. Here's a photo of Tom from soundcheck just niow, singing Nothing In My Way.
17.15: When you play in a venue as world famous as The O2 (The Rolling Stones played here last night), you've got to have rock shapes. Luckily, Jesse has rock shapes...
17.08: Soundcheck photos incoming....
16.54 : Ooh, sounds like soundcheck has started. Off to get some pics...
16.53: Richard is already here too, as is Jesse. And Tom should be here any minute. Here's Tim in the dressing room with Richard...
16.49: Check *this* out. For the first time in the history of doing Keane live blogs (the first one was at Brighton in 2006), we've been put in a designated room with its own sign. Thanks Colin TMTTS (Tour Manager to the Stars).
Needless to say, that sign will be coming home with us tonight.
16.43: Apologies for the gap in blog service. A fire alarm was going off for a while and it wasn't clear whether we had to leave the building. But it's stopped now (apparently it was a test), so we're back.
Before that drama, we'd popped into the dressing room, where Tim is reading a travel book about some places that he's hoping to travel to next year. If anyone's reading from any of them, please email us on ontour@keanemusic.com and tell us some highlights he should look out for.
16.28: And here's a couple taken in the entrance to the venue (which was also home to the basketball and gymnastics at the London 2012 Olympics).
16.19: Here are a few shots of the outside of the venue which was originally built as the Millennium Dome.As you'll gather from the pics, they now have a thing where you can WALK OVER THE TOP of the Dome. Which, you'd imagine, would be extremely chilly on a day like today.

16.18: Hello and welcome to our live blog from The O2 in London, an arena where Keane will make their fourth career appearance tonight. If you'd like to say hello, then just bang us an email to ontour@keanemusic.com (or, of course, leave a comment below).
16.16: km.com is in the O2 house!