Live from the O2 15 February 2009

We went along to the band's second London O2 show - which was also the last night of the UK tour - to twitter our way through the gig. Here are our tweets...

# And on that note, we're going to bid you goodnight and leave the band to it. Thanks for reading folks. It's been fun. x about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# it's I Just Called To Say I Love You time. Oh dear. about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# we've just bumped into Keane's merch man - apparently more A Bad Dream pillowcases are being made. Good plan. about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# we've just met a kwn reader. She says it leaves her wanting more, not less. That seemed to be a compliment. about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# - The aftershow... Yes, it's quite dark in here. about 9 hours ago from TwitPic
# aftershows are seldom as glamorous as you might think, but this one is quite posh - with nibbles and everything about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# at the aftershow, where they're playing the communards, giving it a wedding disco vibe about 9 hours ago from mobile web
# - Tonight's setlist - to help you puzzle out the song initials about 9 hours ago from TwitPic
# (The gap between tweets has been while a) we gave our Nokia a little life, and b) let the band have time for a shower) about 10 hours ago from web
# The band have gone to the aftershow. We'll head up there and see if we can get any pictures. about 10 hours ago from web
# Nice to see the pics have come thru at last about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# - Pre encore drinks about 10 hours ago from TwitPic
# And that, folks, is what a Keane gig looks like on Twitter about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# - What would happen if we pulled these out? about 10 hours ago from TwitPic
# and that's it. The crowd go bonkers and the band come to the front to grin and bow. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# And this little Nokia is a trooper too. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# - How it's looking from right at the back. The crowd are lifting the roof with their singing. Tis lovely. about 10 hours ago from TwitPic
# the whole place is having a hands in the air moment. Goodness this band are good. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# what do i know? I know about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# aw,Tom is saying he couldn't have imagined a better last night of the tour than this. It really has been great. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# but first the band are clapping the crowd who are clapping the band who are clasping the crowd about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# - Cracking singer this fella about 10 hours ago from TwitPic
# Last song, and the dedicated among you won't need us to tell you it's Bedshaped about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# the cathedral mentioned in iiaw is the one in Cologne. True. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# Jesse is off down the ego ramp, taking bass where no bass has gone before about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# iiaw and Tom's asked us to take the roof off. Might be a bit chilly if we do, but what the heck, let's do it about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# @AmyCRose that's a great idea - good work! about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# jesse is banging on a big bass drum while Tim makes squiggly electro noises. Old and new about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# two songs to go after bbh. Hope you're liking the updates. We miss your pictures of shoes, to be honest. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# come on little Nokia. Hold on. Not long left now about 10 hours ago from mobile web
# is it just us, or does Black Burning Heart sound better every time you hear it? about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Hmm, our pictures don't seem to be coming thru. Maybe twitpic limits pics? Oddness. Oh, and our battery warning light just flashed about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Tom's doing Playing Along on his own. Sorry, we mean PA. Either way, it sounds great. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# i'm completely overwhelmed, says Tom as he comes back on. We just saw him backstage - he really is buzzing from tonight's show. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# that's the end of the main set and he crowd are going bonkers about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# the O2 is absolutely enormous by the way. And so to CB. How are you coping with the song initials? about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# i walked across... Time for a singalong. And we're getting better at the boogie/texting thing about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Wrap yourself aroooound me! Amazing. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# jesse is banging on a big bass drum while Tim makes squiggly electro noises. Old and new about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Repeats deleted. Tom's telling everyone to stand up and sing along to PS -'s fave. about 11 hours ago from mobile web

# sorry about the repeated posts. YDSM now. Tom's fave on the new album, he says. Thing is, we *can* see him. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# LSS. And Tom's up and down the ego ramp. Must be odd to always be greeted by folks' camera phones. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Well, Tim's keyboard is making the noises, in truth about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# jesse is banging on a big bass drum while Tim makes squiggly electro noises. Old and new about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# - Not as good as if it was by Alex Lake - who is actually standing next to us. True. about 11 hours ago from TwitPic
# We're sort of swaying along, while fiddling with our phone about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# we've come down into the standing bit for YHTMA back on the big stage. Folk are dancing either side of us. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# @Helen06 hard to think of a better one, isn't it? about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Ooh! It's S. Ok, Spiralling. Tim is wearing very natty silver trainers by the way. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Topical one for folks in these parts - yes, it's Snowed Under. Just plain gorgeous, no? about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Tom's just repeated something quite rude he's been told by a female fan. Seems Keane's music does great things to her about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Hope the folks reading this on are having a good evening. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# it's always amazing how much Tom's voice can fill a room, isn't it? about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# and so to sunshine as everyone goes all warm and fuzzy about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Try again now. Sounds lovely all stripped back. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# - They're lovin it, lovin it, lovin it about 11 hours ago from TwitPic
# @poppyfrog yes, only with glowsticks about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# the folks around us are up on their feet, having a boogie about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# Ooh! It's S. Ok, Spiralling. Tim is wearing very natty silver trainers by the way. about 11 hours ago from mobile web
# - We swapped seats about 11 hours ago from TwitPic
# How good is TILT? Very blooming good indeed. Several thousand people go tingly about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# Hmm twitter just reposted an earlier post. Sorry. ABD now. Ace. about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# @beingthere - as long as our battery lets us, yes about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# "what a good noise" says Tom as the crowd roar approval. B&B now about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# (sings Tom during A&A) about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# ohhhhhhhh! about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# - The big screen about 12 hours ago from TwitPic
# the big screens are currently making anyone with a ZX Spectrum go misty eyed about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# Now it's A&A. "We love you Jesse" shouts someone behind us. Bless. about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# Do hope our mobile battery is up to a few hours of this about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# Tom's voice is sounding great. It's BTT now. Really does sound mighty live. about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# we sat in a very similiar place at the last 02 gig. Remember that live blog? about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# @selfadhesive we do hope you're right about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# "what a good noise" says Tom as the crowd roar approval. B&B now about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# london bellows along to EC. Tom does too, in fairness. about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# - It's a fist pumping frenzy at the front about 12 hours ago from TwitPic
# london bellows along to EC. Tom does too, in fairness. about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# The fellas have just taken to the stage. We begin with TLAL. Will initials do? We must be brief about 12 hours ago from mobile web
# - Lots of people about 12 hours ago from TwitPic
# - These look so bad and yet so good about 12 hours ago from TwitPic

# - How it's looking from the back about 12 hours ago from TwitPic
# - Some last minute warming up about 12 hours ago from TwitPic
# So, stage time in 24 minutes time. We'd better go and find our seat. about 12 hours ago from web
# - Catering is looking as tasty as ever about 13 hours ago from TwitPic
# - Pre-show dressing room meeting about 13 hours ago from TwitPic
# - Beth is officially Keane royalty about 13 hours ago from TwitPic
# We're in Colin TMTTS's office, just updating to say that the Keane shop is currently down. More news on Monday re that. about 13 hours ago from web
# - in the house about 13 hours ago from TwitPic
# Right, we're setting off for The O2. Standby for updates... about 15 hours ago from web

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