Jesse’s Best of 2012 29 December 2012

As the year winds to a close we have, once again, asked the members of Keane to share their highlights of the last 12 months with you folks. Jesse was the first to reply to our email....

1. Favourite album of 2012?
Young & Old by Tennis.

2. Favourite single?
Default by Django Django.

3. Best gig you saw?
Paul Simon in Brussels.

4. Best gig you played?
Porto Coliseum.

Picture of the Porto show by JULIO1511

5. Best film you saw?
Moonrise Kingdom.

6. Best journey you made?
The journey home the day after the last gig in Bournemouth.

7. Best TV show you watched?
Band Of Brothers (Only just got around to it).

8. Best book you read?
If Not Now, When? by Primo Levi.

9. Best meal you ate?
Street food in a car park in Bangkok with Tim and my friends Rich and Erika.

10. Best thing you bought yourself?
A Republic resonator guitar.

11. Best thing someone else bought for you?
I have no idea. Just a beer somewhere nice probably. Ha ha.

12. Best website you visited or app/podcast you downloaded?
Pinterest is alright.

13. Best thing that happened in 2012 for Keane?
Yet ANOTHER number one record. Urgh.

14. Best thing that happened in 2012 for you?
Finding a new room to set up all my music stuff.

15. Finally, what are you looking forward to in 2013?
Being at home a bit more and actually seeing my family for once.

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