Cloth calendar production shots 04 November 2010

You might remember that last month we unveiled the new Keane cloth calendars (click to see them in our store). Well, we've just received some more information from re-wrap about the production of the calendars in one of their fair and ethical co-operatives in Mysore, which is in the state of Karnataka in South India.

"These calendars were sewn in our smaller unit which we call our training unit. In fact, although it serves as a training unit for new recruits it also is a lifeline to all the women we take on who simply 
cannot sew the more complicated canvas bags products. There are some ladies who no matter how hard we train simply to do not have the skills to make our complicated canvas totes, they stay in this unit 
and sew simpler products such as our sheeting bag (a very simple bag we make) and also in this case your calender.
I have also include a few photos of some of ladies next to the water filtering system we gave them earlier this year. Because nearly all our ladies live in slum areas they have no access to clean drinking water. For our anniversary this year we gave every lady a filtering system which they can keep in their house and get clean filtered drinking water from.  We have already seen the benefit of this as so many less of our women are getting ill these days. Keane along with all our other clients have enabled to give them filtering systems so I just wanted to share this with you."

Anna, re-wrap

You can order the Keane cloth calendars here.


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