Afro-Cubano Under Pressure 20 November 2009

UPDATE: The Rhythms del Mundo album has now been released across the world (including Africa and Latin America). To get it from iTunes click, - or check out your preferred local retailer.

This week, a new Rhythms del Mundo album is released featuring the talents of some of Cuba's finest musicians with the unmistakable vocals of popular artists - including our very own Tom Chaplin. As you can hear from the clip above, the album features a terrific Afro-Cubano take on Under Pressure, featuring Tom's vocals from the Keane version. 

You can download the track (and the album) from the UK iTunes store by clicking here. Or you can download it from Amazon UK, where you can also or pre-order the CD (out on 20th July), by clicking here

We're also trying to find out if/when the album will be released internationally...

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